Overcoming Obstacles Through Praise
Praise to God is an overcoming force in our lives. Praise is one of your must powerful spiritual warfare weapons. Psalm 22:3 God inhabits (dwells in) the praises of His people that love Him.1. Why praise is the highest form of faith
- We are no longer struggling , but resting in the promises of God.
- Praise shows confidence in God's Word, which is expressed with joy and gratitude.
- When we praise, we are not trying to get God to perform.
- God never changes.
- God's Word and Love is eternal.
- We have a covenant with God.
- We know the final outcome.
- Joshua 6:1-5
- 2 Chronicles 20:5-28
- Acts 16:16-32
1. Share how you applied praise to overcome a challenge.
2. Discuss how you have learned the difference between praising God in everything and praising God for everything.
3. Have you used singing praises to God as a weapon against the enemy?
Feel free to use the lessons as teaching tools
to advance the Kingdom of God.
The Gifts of God
ReplyDeleteThey come from the Father Romans 12 6-8, The Son Ephesians 4:11, the Holy Spirit 1 Corinthians 12:8-10
Romans 12:6-8 Motivational Gifts
Prophesy(Speak out),Ministry(Help out),Teaching(Live out),Exhortation(Work out),Giving(Give out),Administration(Lead out),Mercy(Love out)
Ephesians 4:11 Ministry Gifts Apostle(Governing), Prophet(Guiding), Evangelist(Gathering), Pastor(Guarding), Teacher(Grounding)
1 Corinthians 12:8-10 Manifestation Gifts
Revelation "Reveal" Wisdom, Knowledge, Discernment
Power "Do" Faith, Healings, Miracles
Vocal "Say" Prophecy, Tongues, Interpretation
What gift has the Lord freely given you to Influence the Kingdome of God USE IT WISELY
Morning Confession
ReplyDeleteMy mind is rested.
My mind is reset.
My mind is sharp.
My thinking is not dull.
I have a sound mind.
I possess genius.
My mind thinks clearly today.
I will not be confused.
I am single minded. I am decisive.
I have a ready mind.
I have a pure mind.
I have a peaceful mind.
I have a willing mind.
I do not worry.
I am not anxious.
I am in my right mind.
I have the mind of Christ.
God's laws are in my mind.
My mind is renewed.
I think godly thoughts.
I gird up the loins of my mind.
My mind stays on the Lord.