God’s best blessings and favor to you. Thank you for your generous support of the Missions Trip to Gabon. Our team was scheduled to leave the first week of December but due to circumstances beyond our control we had a delay in acquiring the Visa’s needed to enter the country. We are still completing the process of preparation for the trip. We have acquired our passports, and are in the process of getting doctor appointments for the shots and malaria prevention medication needed to be granted entry into Gabon. We have also had the opportunity to focus on advance ticket purchases that will allow us to get better rates. The Missions team has moved our plans to travel to the month of May. I am very confident that we will have all are necessary documentation and schedules in place at that time. Please continue to pray for us in overcome any obstacles, hindrances, and distractions. We really need intercessors to pray for the region and the turmoil that is rising up in the surrounding nations. The team may have been delayed but we will not be denied because God is on our side as we impart on this journey. If you have any questions please feel free to call me for further information also check the web page for updates and information about up and coming fundraising events. Go with us in the spirit. Thank you for your continued support and prayers Prophetic Evangelist Debra Shade Blog http://empowermentsummit@blogspot.com Internet broadcast http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/72071 Email empowermentsummit@live.com Web http://empowermentsummit.weebly.com/ Phone 479-304-1970 1437 North Greenwood Avenue Fort Smith, AR 72904 COME GO WITH US IN THE SPIRIT AND BRING SUPPORT TO GABON

Gabon Mission Trip 2012 (please sow your seed)

God’s best blessings and favor to you. Thank you for considering supporting my first mission trip to Gabon, Africa,in December 2012. I have been invited by Pastor Difuta Pierre Luc of Libreville, Gabon, on the east coast of Africa to participate in a global mission’s conference by helping to minister and equip Christian leaders in areas of communication and updated internet technology for their ministries and businesses. Pastor Luc has been in the Fort Smith area and has a desire to fulfill a divine vision to build a spiritual relationship and intercessory bridge between his brothers and sister in American and the Christians of Gabon. I am honored to be a part of a national life-changing move among the Christians of Gabon whom have increased from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands of believers. They need our support and wisdom to overcome the obstacles they face daily to advance the Kingdom of God. This trip provides an opportunity to meet the physical and spiritual needs of a community that is desperately in need. Our main objective for this mission trip is to bring valuable tools to the leaders and the body of Christ in Gabon to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all unreached areas of this wonderful nation. More than anything, I would value your prayers for our team and those whose lives will be touched by God through us. I believe that God answers prayers, and I’m asking you to pray for safety, good health, smooth travel, and financial support. Just knowing that you will be praying will give me peace as I go into an unfamiliar place. Your support is invaluable to me. My travel expenses, passports, visa, shots and malaria medications make up the bulk of my expenses. I will also be taking supplies such as computer accessories, software, children’s educational tools, and beauty supplies. This type of training and supplies will enable them to take full advantage of global communications and bring much- needed jobs and information so that they will become self-sufficient. Please be prayerful about your part in going to the nations to fulfill the great commission of Christ. Your donations can be sent by mail or through the secure PayPal donate button on the blog or web page. Make me your friend on Facebook, and visit the blog page for updates and information about the exciting mission trip. Thanking you in advance Prophetic Evangelist Debra Shade Blog http://empowermentsummit@blogspot.com Internet broadcast http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/72071 Email empowermentsummit@live.com Web http://empowermentsummit.weebly.com/ Phone 479-304-1970 1437 North Greenwood Avenue Fort Smith, AR 72904 COME GO WITH US IN THE SPIRIT AND BRING SUPPORT TO GABON
BEWARE SOME MINISTRIES HAVE BEEN BIRTHED THROUGH THE SPIRIT OF ABSALOM 1. AN INDEPENDENT SPIRIT – An attitude of independence emerges when the person no longer wants to serve the leadership but seeks recognition and a reputation. 2. SELF-PROMOTION – The person will maneuver for the praise of men. In II Samuel 15, Absalom stole the hearts of the people. 3. SPIRITUAL PRIDE – As people recognize and praise the deceived individual, he begins to believe that he is more spiritual than the leaders. 4. AN OFFENDED SPIRIT – The Absalom falls into an offended spirit because of spiritual pride. When his ideas and gifts are not promoted by the leadership as he believes they should be, he becomes highly offended. Often he will seek others that will agree with him in his offense. 5. A CRITICAL SPIRIT – Almost all the decisions of the leaders are questioned and undermined to the people. Sadly, with this critical spirit, the Absalom no longer can receive any spiritual feeding or direction from the leadership. 6. A COMPETITIVE SPIRIT – The Absalom sees himself in competition with the church leadership and begins to distort and misrepresent the decisions and directives the leaders are giving. 7. SOWING STRIFE AND DIVISION – The Absalom will take his offenses to many individuals in the church and spread his discontent through various means. 8. ACCUSING THE LEADERSHIP – The Absalom feeds his followers his critical spirit and faultfinding. Minor things, usually not related to God’s spiritual qualifications, will be made major issues, such as what kind of car the pastor drives, how long he takes to receive the offerings, etc. 9. OPEN DISLOYALTY AND DIVISION – The Absalom feels that many are following him so he boldly brings his disloyalty out into the open. At this point the leaders become aware of his discontented splinter group. Now the people are forced to make a choice between the leaders of the church and the Absalom who has deceived them. 10. A BOLD CONSPIRACY – The Absalom justifies his conspiracy to everyone by focusing their attention on all the minor issues that he has found fault with in the leadership. (Usually, the Absalom does not have legitimate accusations such as the preaching of false doctrines or blatant sin on the part of the pastors.) 11. A CHURCH SPLIT – The Absalom leads a naive splinter group out to the birth of a new church or ministry. Declare a new vision. 12. GOD’S JUDGMENT ON THE REBELLIOUS CHURCH – The scripture tells us, “if the root be evil, the whole tree will be evil,” and every church or ministry that is birthed by an Absalom spirit will be full of rebellion, disloyalty, and continual church splits. APOSTLE JERRY HOWARD